Bruker webinars

Szanowni Państwo,

zachęcam do udziału w webinarach organizowanych przez firmę Bruker, obejmujących zagadnienia z zakresu proteomiki i metabolomiki. 

“Clinical Proteomics: Getting the best out of the worst” – środa 15.11 o godz. 10:00


“Transforming the User Experience with Real-time Quality Control for Metabolomics and Lipidomics” – środa 22.11 o godz. 11:00


„Solving the PFAS Challenge: Comprehensive Screening of 5,000 Suspects” – we wtorek 28.11 o godz. 15:00



Ladies and Gentlemen, I encourage you to participate in webinars organized by Bruker, which cover issues in the field of proteomics and metabolomics.

“Clinical Proteomics: Getting the best out of the worst” – Wednesday, 15.11, at 10 AM


“Transforming the User Experience with Real-time Quality Control for Metabolomics and Lipidomics” – Wednesday, 22.11, 11 AM


„Solving the PFAS Challenge: Comprehensive Screening of 5,000 Suspects” – Tuesday 28.11, 3 PM



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